Any Way You Spin It Plus a $25 Amazon Gift Card from Monique McDonell

Any Way You Spin It: An Upper Crust Novel (The Upper Crust Series Book 7) by [McDonell, Monique]Author Monique McDonell has offered Any Way You Spin It and a $25 amazon gift card.

Sometimes you must accept that love doesn’t always show up at your convenience.
Minnie has made mistakes and lots of them. Fresh out of rehab and back in her home town her plan is simple; she needs to make amends to all the people she hurt, especially her children, and get her life back on track. She has no room in her life for men – it was because of men she got in this mess in the first place.
The minute former athlete and current bar owner, Mitch sees Minnie he knows she’s something special. Now all he needs to do is convince her and the whole town that their being together will not undo everything she’s working so hard to achieve.
With all the obstacles to her success can Mitch prove he’s not just one more thing in the way.
If you like long bike rides, picnics by the lake and truffle fries then Any Way You Spin It is for you.

All proceeds go to the Red Cross for Harvey relief efforts. Please start bids at $10.


  1. I'm not sure how to do this but I bid $35

    1. To me this shows as Unknown. I think you'd have to leave information on how to contact you if you were the winning bidder.


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