Laughing P Series from Kari Holloway

Behind the Lens (Laughing P Book 2) by [Holloway, Kari]Kari Holloway has offered the Laughing P series, 3 novels and 2 shorts.

Behind the Lens...
This year would make one hell of a scrapbook, if Lexi was into that sort of thing. She's been stalked, held hostage, tortured, had a shootout that would rival the OK Corral, and to top it off, she turned over the reins of the Laughing P.

Needing space, she saddles up for her annual hunting trip, but nothing seems to be going as planned. An all too familiar man with eyes the color of topaz, a smile as charming as his wit, and a body more sinful than chocolate invites himself along.

Trapped in the high country with a man who branded her soul before, will she take a chance on their future while knowing their past?

All proceeds go to the Red Cross for Harvey Relief efforts. Start bids at $10


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